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Trying to get pregnant could be a long, stressful process. But when you’re 16 days past ovulation (DPO), you may wonder, “Am I pregnant?” or “Is my period late?” It takes time to develop symptoms after conception.
At 16 DPO, the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) levels are high enough to possibly confirm pregnancy. Your body goes through various changes during this stage. Fatigue, missed period, and tender and sore breasts are a few to look out for.
In some cases, experiencing these symptoms may not mean you’re going to get a positive pregnancy test. Let’s understand what to do when this happens. We’ll also dive deeper into 16 DPO symptoms and how they affect your body.
Key takeaways
- By 16 DPO, most women experience symptoms such as fatigue, tender and sore breasts, and moodiness.
- hCG levels are normally high during this stage. This makes 16 DPO an ideal time to take a home pregnancy test.
- If you’re at this stage and haven’t been experiencing any symptoms, don’t be discouraged. You can still take a pregnancy test.
- Missing your period could be an early sign that you’re pregnant.
- Many women experience left side cramping. It could be a sign of your body stretching to make room for your baby or digestive issues.
- If you received a BFN on your test, don’t give up hope. Try taking the test a few days later or go to the doctor for a blood test.
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Symptoms to expect at 16 DPO
As mentioned earlier, fatigue, missed period, and tender and sore breasts are some of the symptoms you can expect at 16 DPO. But those are just the tip of the iceberg. Here are further details on these symptoms and others you need to know:
- Morning sickness- Sudden increase in progesterone levels causes this symptom during pregnancy. Morning sickness is also called nausea. It could also cause you to react differently to certain foods and smells.
- Fatigue- Your rising hormone levels can cause your body to experience some changes. Fatigue is par for course when you get pregnant.
- Missed Period- Having a missed period is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. Be sure to wait a few days to take your pregnancy test if you missed it.
- Elevated basal body temperature- Your body temperature starts to increase after ovulation. This is normal and your temperature will go back to normal after starting your period.
- Tender and sore breasts- When progesterone increases in your body, your breasts feel sore and tender. They will also start to feel heavier and your nipples will produce a white creamy discharge.
- Mood swings- Surge of hormones could cause you to become weepy and have mood swings.
Can I take a pregnancy test at 16 DPO?
It’s very important that you take a pregnancy test at this stage. Don’t rely only on your symptoms alone. Fortunately, because your hCG levels in your urine are high at 16 DPO, it’s possible to receive a positive pregnancy test.
16 DPO is the ideal time to take a pregnancy test. An earlier stage, such as 6 DPO, wouldn’t be the ideal time to take one because implantation has not yet taken place. At around 10 DPO, while implantation may have occurred, your hCG levels aren’t high enough for a positive pregnancy test.
The good news is that your chances of getting a false-negative result are low. If you do get one, here are the following factors that contribute to this happening:
- You may have taken the test too early when there isn’t enough hCG in your urine.
- You may have miscalculated your period date.
- You may have tested with diluted urine.
The placenta produces hCG early on during pregnancy. Most pregnancy tests can detect hCG levels starting from 12-15 DPO. Your hCG levels double every 48-72 hours and as your pregnancy progresses, the chances of getting a positive result increase.
Here are a few tips to get an accurate pregnancy test result:
- Don’t test before your expected period. The best time to take the test is one week after you miss your period.
- Check your test box to confirm the expiry date.
- Follow the directions on the test box to the T.
16 DPO no symptoms: what should I do now?
If you’re at 16 DPO and still not experiencing the symptoms above, don’t lose hope. This could mean you’re experiencing late ovulation or possibly a late implantation. Late ovulation causes delayed or no pregnancy symptoms at all.
Also, not every woman is going to experience all of the above symptoms at this stage, but they still end up getting a Big Fat Positive (BFP). Every woman’s body and pregnancy journey is different. This chart gives an interesting analysis of the percentage of women who experience these symptoms at 16 DPO.
So if you’re at this stage and haven’t been experiencing any symptoms, you could still try taking a pregnancy test.
16 DPO no period: what does that mean?
If you haven’t gotten your period at this stage, that might mean you could be pregnant. Since you ovulate 12-14 days before your next period, most women expect to get their period by 16 DPO. But if you haven’t, that could be good news.
Be sure to pick up that test to know for sure. It’ll give you that final confirmation of a possible BFP.
What happens when your period is 2 days late?
On the other hand, if your period is 2 days late, it still might be worth it to take a pregnancy test. It’s possible to get a positive result from the day it is due.
However, it could also be possible to receive a false-negative result instead. Try testing a week after your period for more accurate results.
If you know you’re not pregnant and your period is late, contact your doctor immediately.
What if I experience cramps but no period?
Implantation cramps occur around the fourth week of pregnancy or 6-12 days after ovulation. They don’t feel exactly like menstrual cramps. Most women describe them as a pricking feeling. They don’t normally happen at the same time menstrual cramps do.
The length of implantation cramps varies for every woman. Some experience a few minor pains. Others experience cramps that end up lasting 1-3 days.
Is cramping on your left side normal at 16 DPO?
Many women experience cramping on their left side early on in the pregnancy. It could be a sign of your body stretching to make room for your baby. However, it could also be a sign of some digestive issues.
Some of the symptoms of left side cramping are pressure in your pelvic area, pain in your lower back, and cramping in the left side of the lower abdomen.
If you’ve been developing some severe pain, vaginal bleeding, or blood in stools, contact your doctor immediately.
16 DPO BFN: Is getting pregnant still possible?
It could become discouraging to receive a BFN result on your test. You did everything right, only to receive a negative result. However, don’t let this stop you.
Try taking another test a few days later. Consider going to a healthcare provider for a blood test. These tests are usually more accurate and sensitive than urine pregnancy tests.
Also, stay positive. Your time will eventually come, so don’t give up on your journey to have a baby.
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- 6 DPO Symptoms: When to test for early pregnancy – Fertility 2 Family
- Is It Normal to Have Pain on Your Left Side During Pregnancy?
- Signs and symptoms for 16 days past ovulation – Countdown to pregnancy
- When is the best time to take pregnancy test? | Ohio State Health & Discovery
- Early Pregnancy – Including HCG levels and ultrasound findings – Advanced Fertility Center of Chicago