Does Semen Retention Increase Testosterone?

  • Written by

    Leslie Hughes

    Health Researcher and Writer
  • Verified by

    Dr. Aditi Neelakantan

    Medical Practitioner, MBBS

    Dr. Aditi Neelakantan

    Dr. Aditi Neelakantan, a medical practitioner with a strong inclination for compassion-driven research, believes that “knowledge is a commodity to be shared”. She dedicates her time to simplifying complex medical information so that people can better understand their health and make informed choices.

Does Semen Retention Increase Testosterone?
  • Written by

    Leslie Hughes

    Health Researcher and Writer
  • Verified by

    Dr. Aditi Neelakantan

    Medical Practitioner, MBBS

    Dr. Aditi Neelakantan

    Dr. Aditi Neelakantan, a medical practitioner with a strong inclination for compassion-driven research, believes that “knowledge is a commodity to be shared”. She dedicates her time to simplifying complex medical information so that people can better understand their health and make informed choices.

Have you ever scrolled through social media and come across posts about “semen retention?” You’re not alone. One study found that this popular topic has over a billion impressions on TikTok and a million posts on Instagram. 

But before you join the masses, let’s take some time to separate fact from fiction. For starters, research shows that semen retention has no benefits when it comes to testosterone levels and male fertility. Rather, it has the opposite.

The longer you’re abstinent, the bigger the decline in the quality and genetic health of sperm.

But that’s just the beginning. Let’s dive deeper into the truth to better be able to answer the question, “Does semen retention increase testosterone?”

Key takeaways

  • Semen retention is the practice of avoiding ejaculation intentionally.
  • The idea of semen retention is rooted in ancient beliefs about preserving health.
  • Scientific evidence of the health benefits of semen retention is limited. There are anecdotal reports of mental, spiritual, and physical benefits. But the studies are lacking.
  • Studies show that prolonged periods of abstinence can negatively impact sperm quality. This looks like decreased sperm motility and morphology, and, as a result, decreased male fertility.
  • The impact of semen retention on testosterone levels is unclear. Some studies show a slight increase after long periods of sexual abstinence. But more research is needed to confirm.
  • There are evidence-based ways to improve testosterone. They include: weight lifting, eating a high-protein diet, keeping a healthy weight, getting quality sleep, and avoiding alcohol, drugs, and smoking.

What is semen retention?

Semen retention is when you intentionally avoid ejaculation. This can mean that you:

  • Abstain from sexual activity or masturbation-induced orgasm entirely
  • Stop sexual activity before ejaculation
  • Learn how to reach sexual arousal without ejaculating

This ancient spiritual practice is rooted in the belief that “losing” semen weakens men’s health. And that you can get closer to your life force via semen retention.

Benefits of semen retention

Claims across internet communities say that semen retention unlocks all kinds of health benefits. These range from mental clarity to an increase in spiritual health to a serious boost in physical health.

These men’s health benefit claims sound enticing. But there’s one problem: they don’t have enough scientific evidence to back them up.

In fact, a recent study found that most social media posts promoting semen retention were created by non-medical professionals.

Does semen retention increase testosterone levels?

Probably the biggest question when it comes to semen retention is how it affects your testosterone levels.

Testosterone is the chief male hormone that dictates muscle growth, sex drive, and energy.

Some studies suggest there may be a connection between semen retention and increased testosterone. However, that comes with a big “but.”

One small 2003 study found a whopping 145.7% increase in testosterone after one week of abstinence. But, this study has since been withdrawn.

Another study showed slightly higher testosterone levels after a three-week period of abstinence in a small group of 10 men. But, the increase was small, so it’s hard to really to make concrete claims.

One thing is clear: more research is needed before any solid conclusions can be drawn.

Risks of semen retention

On the other hand, research says that holding onto your sperm for too long may actually hurt the quality of your semen. Sperm motility (how well sperm move) and sperm morphology (shape) worsen the longer you abstain from ejaculation.

Think of your sperm as little swimmers training for a race. If they stay cooped up inside for too long, they won’t be in their best shape for when it comes time to fertilize an egg.

This is what studies tell us about sexual abstinence, ejaculation frequency, and sperm quality:

Short abstinence (1-2 days)

One study found that for men with low sperm count, the best-quality sperm samples are usually collected after just one day of no sex. This study found that sperm movement (motility) and shape (morphology) were the highest after 0-2 days of abstinence as well. This means that waiting too long may decrease the chances of healthy sperm. And additional studies show that storing sperm for too long can damage them.

Moderate abstinence (3-10 days)

Sperm count and volume increase over this longer abstinence period. But, there’s a downside to less ejaculation frequency. Sperm quality starts to decline, too, potentially because the sperm are trapped in the epididymis for too long and can undergo DNA damage.

Long abstinence (+10 days)

Even for men with normal sperm counts, waiting too long between sex can decrease the quality of sperm. Studies show a drop in sperm movement and normal shape after about 10 days of no sex. This has the potential to impact fertility.

This may also put you at higher risk of epididymal hypertension (aka blue balls).

So, if you have normal sperm count or are donating sperm for freezing, you should limit your abstinence period to 10 days or less.

What can you do if you want to practice semen retention?

You can certainly try semen retention. But know that it likely won’t boost your testosterone levels. In fact, it is more likely to negatively impact sperm health.

Instead, try to shorten your abstinence period to 1-3 days, and you may reap more benefits.

There are other evidence-based ways to improve men’s health and potentially boost your testosterone naturally.

How to increase testosterone levels naturally?

There are a number of ways you can naturally increase your testosterone that don’t put your semen quality and overall health at risk.

1. Hit the gym

Lifting weights regularly is a proven way to increase testosterone levels. One study found that exercising regularly was linked to higher testosterone levels than men who didn’t work out.

2. Consume enough protein

Eat enough protein to support testosterone production. The amount varies depending on your body type and intensity of your workouts. But don’t overdo it.

Research shows that men with a low-carb, high-protein diet (more than 3.4g/kg of body weight per day) actually had decreased testosterone levels.

Stay between 1.25 – 3.4 g/kg per day to keep testosterone levels stable.

3. Maintain a healthy weight

Carrying extra weight can affect testosterone levels. Studies show that for every 4-5 point increase in your BMI, testosterone levels may decrease as much as they would if you were 10 years older.

4. Get quality sleep

Sleep quality is key for improved fertility and overall men’s health. Aim for seven to nine hours of good quality sleep every day. Studies show that sleep deprivation lowers testosterone.

5. Avoid alcohol and other drugs

Alcohol can mess with your hormone balance. It causes an increase in estrogen and a decrease in testosterone.

And recreational drugs and smoking can negatively impact testosterone levels as well. They also put you at risk of male infertility.

Know more: Avoid These 9 Sperm Killers When Trying to Conceive

6. Avoid testosterone supplements

Are you TTC? Make sure you avoid testosterone supplements for 3-4 months before trying to get pregnant. Studies show regular use of these supplements can decrease sperm production by 65%.

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Practicing semen retention means intentionally avoiding regular ejaculation. This self-control can come in the forms of:

  • Abstaining from sex or masturbation
  • Stopping sexual activity right before ejaculation
  • Reaching orgasm without ejaculation

It is an ancient practice rooted in the belief that retaining semen boosts overall health. But there isn’t strong enough evidence to support these claims.

Many people on social media claim benefits of semen retention like increased testosterone and spiritual enlightenment. But the truth? Scientific evidence is limited.

Studies indicate that long periods of abstinence can actually negatively impact sperm quality.

Yes, semen does contain testosterone. The concentration of testosterone in semen is lower than in blood. But it plays a key role in sperm health and fertilization.

Daily ejaculation is normal and healthy. It can temporarily reduce sperm count, but that’s usually short-lived.

Frequent ejaculation is not linked to serious men’s health risks. In fact, some studies show that regular ejaculation lowers prostate cancer risk and boosts mental health.

High testosterone levels in healthy men can lead to increased:

  • Muscle mass
  • Bone density
  • Sexual activity and drive

Testosterone also has the power to affect mood, energy levels, and red blood cell production.

However, testosterone levels that are too high can cause side effects like:

  • Acne
  • Aggression
  • Low sleep quality

It’s best to maintain balanced testosterone levels for optimal sexual health, and overall men’s health, too.

Evidence-based ways to increase testosterone include:

  • Regular exercise (primarily weight lifting)
  • Protein-rich diet
  • 7+ hours of quality sleep
  • Stress-reducing techniques like meditation, yoga, and deep breathing
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Avoid alcohol, recreational drugs, and smoking

There is no guaranteed way to increase semen volume. However, here are some lifestyle factors that can lead to improved fertility and reproductive health.

  • Eat a balanced diet
  • Stay hydrated
  • Get enough sleep
  • Manage stress
  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid alcohol and drug use

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