Cycle Syncing: What it Is and How to Start

  • Written by

    Paige Figueroa

    Women’s Health Writer
  • Verified by

    Dr. Aditi Neelakantan

    Medical Practitioner, MBBS

    Dr. Aditi Neelakantan

    Dr. Aditi Neelakantan, a medical practitioner with a strong inclination for compassion-driven research, believes that “knowledge is a commodity to be shared”. She dedicates her time to simplifying complex medical information so that people can better understand their health and make informed choices.

cycle syncing
  • Written by

    Paige Figueroa

    Women’s Health Writer
  • Verified by

    Dr. Aditi Neelakantan

    Medical Practitioner, MBBS

    Dr. Aditi Neelakantan

    Dr. Aditi Neelakantan, a medical practitioner with a strong inclination for compassion-driven research, believes that “knowledge is a commodity to be shared”. She dedicates her time to simplifying complex medical information so that people can better understand their health and make informed choices.

Ever feel like your menstrual cycle is meddling in your life? Well, in all reality, it kind of is.

The hormonal changes you experience throughout your cycle impact many aspects of your health. From your energy levels and mood to your appetite and sex drive, your hormones are puppeteering a lot behind the scenes.

This is where the idea of cycle syncing comes in. It’s a relatively newer wellness practice that involves aligning your habits and routines with the phases of your menstrual cycle.

While cycle syncing has gained a lot of popularity, there hasn’t been a ton of scientific research on it yet. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth considering! There’s certainly no harm in being more aware and in tune with the rhythms of your cycle.

So keep reading to learn more about how cycle syncing works and how you can try it out in your own life.


  • Cycle syncing is a contemporary wellness trend. It involves making tweaks to your weekly and monthly routines to be in better sync with hormonal changes.
  • There’s not a ton of scientific evidence on cycle syncing yet. But some women claim to notice a difference in their well-being when being more in tune with their cycle.
  • Your menstrual cycle has four major phases: menstruation, follicular phase, ovulation, and luteal phase.
  • In the menstrual phase, you have your menstrual bleed. Your energy levels and mood are lower, making it a good time for self-care and lower-intensity exercise. It’s also a good time to consume iron-rich foods and energy-boosting foods.
  • In your follicular phase, you tend to have increased energy and a more positive mood. This makes it a good time for higher-intensity exercise, social events, and new projects or adventures. Eating estrogen-balancing foods is good for this phase.
  • In your ovulatory phase, your mood and energy remain high. This phase is a great time to go for personal bests.
  • Your luteal phase is usually marked by low energy and mood swings. This is a time in your cycle when self-care is a must. You may want to go with lower-intensity workouts and opt for foods that are high in serotonin, progesterone, magnesium, and vitamin B6.
  • There’s no one tried-and-true way for how to cycle sync. And cycle syncing is a personal choice. So try it out if you think it will help with your well-being.
  • To begin cycle syncing, start by tracking your period and ovulation. Also begin recording symptoms you notice throughout your cycle.

What Is Cycle Syncing?

Cycle syncing refers to making changes to your habits and routines—like your diet and work schedule—to be in better harmony with your hormones.

Since it’s a newer approach to health and wellness, much of the evidence of its benefits is anecdotal.

But there’s tons of research that tells us how influential our hormonal fluctuations are. Besides regulating your menstrual cycle, your hormones affect your mood, appetite, and even your cognitive function.

Luteal Phase foods

So the essence of cycle syncing is to be more in touch with your hormonal changes and your body’s basic needs. In theory, living more in unison with these natural cyclical changes should optimize your overall health and well-being.

FYI! Sometimes cycle syncing may be mistaken for period syncing. Period syncing is a bit different though. It refers to the phenomenon of women’s menstrual cycles becoming more similar when they spend a lot of time together. No evidence supports that this actually happens.

Before we get into how you can start cycle syncing, let’s quickly review your body’s cyclical changes.

Menstrual Cycle Basics

Your menstrual cycle is operated by four major hormones: FSH, LH, estrogen, and progesterone.

Here’s an overview of how these hormones work together in the different phases of your cycle:

1. Menstrual phase

Your cycle begins on the first day of your period. At this time, all of your hormones are pretty low.

2. Follicular phase

As your period comes to an end, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels begin rising.
These increased FSH levels help your ovarian follicles (which each contain an egg) mature. With this FSH boost, one follicle is able to develop into the dominant follicle and begin producing estrogen.

When your estrogen reaches a certain point, it triggers your luteinizing hormone (LH) to spike.

3. Ovulatory phase

After around 24-36 hours after your LH surge, the dominant follicle releases its egg (aka ovulation).

4. Luteal phase

After you ovulate, the ruptured follicle transforms into a structure called the corpus luteum. The corpus luteum produces progesterone and a little bit of estrogen. Around 6 days post ovulation (DPO) to 8 DPO, your progesterone levels reach their peak.

Around this time, progesterone and estrogen work as a team to thicken your uterine lining. (This prepares your body to help accept the fertilized egg during implantation.)

If the egg is fertilized by the sperm, the corpus luteum will keep secreting progesterone to support a pregnancy.

If fertilization doesn’t occur, then the corpus luteum shuts down progesterone production and breaks down. The breakdown of the corpus luteum initiates menstruation (when you shed the lining of your uterus).

With all of these hormonal ups and downs, how does each phase leave you feeling? And what can you do to sync your diet and exercise with your bodily functions? Find out with the cycle syncing chart in the next section!

Cycle Syncing Diet and Exercise Chart

As mentioned, most suggestions you’ll find on cycle syncing workouts and diets aren’t officially backed by science. (At least not yet).

But based on what we know about hormone trends, here are some general guidelines to follow:

Cycle Phase + Hormones


Sex Drive

Dietary Considerations

Exercise + Mental Health


(Progesterone and estrogen are at their lowest)


Increase intake of iron-rich foods (to make up for blood loss) and energy-boosting foods (to combat fatigue and mood swings).

Example foods: red meat, nuts, dried fruit

Opt for less intense movement with low impact (walking, yoga, light stretching). 

But if higher intensity movement helps with your mood, you can try that too.

This is a good time for journaling, breathwork, and alone time.

Follicular phase 

(Estrogen rises; progesterone is still low)


Go with foods that help regulate estrogen levels to support energy.

Example foods: berries, spinach, whole grains, eggs, chickpeas

Consider doing high-impact, more intense movements like HIIT workouts or resistance exercise training.

This is a good time for social activities and starting new projects.


(Estrogen and LH levels are high, progesterone remains low)


Go with foods that help regulate estrogen levels to support your increased energy.

Example foods:  same as follicular phase

Try high-intensity exercises, high-impact workouts. You may experience personal bests in athletic performance around this time.  

This is a good time for social activities and starting new projects.

Luteal phase

(Progesterone levels are high, estrogen tends to be lower)


Your hunger levels and cravings increase and so do your caloric needs. Consume lean meats, complex carbs, and progesterone-boosting foods. Choose healthy options to satisfy your cravings.

Example foods: whole grains, salmon, cashews, sweet potato, dairy, kiwi

Go with low to medium-intensity exercises. 

But again, if high-intensity movement helps with your mood, then go for it.

This is a good time for journaling, breathwork, and alone time.

Another consideration for aligning your diet with your menstrual cycle is seed cycling. This approach is rooted in a good deal of science and has been around for a long time.

Learn more: Seed Cycling: What it Is, Benefits, and How it Impacts Fertility

Hopefully, the above table has given you a better idea of cycle syncing. But let’s take a closer look at each of the 4 phases of menstrual cycle and moods, foods, and exercise.

Menstrual Phase Cycle Syncing

Your hormones

The arrival of Aunt Flo (aka your period) is the start of a new menstrual cycle. During this time, your estrogen and progesterone are both very low.


During menstruation, it’s important to consume iron-rich foods and energy-boosting foods. This will give you a boost against low energy levels and blood loss.

Here are some suggested menstrual phase foods:

  • Iron-rich foods like red meat, liver, beans, nuts, soy, and dried fruit
  • Energy-boosting foods like bananas, avocado, whole grains, fatty fish, and eggs


The menstrual phase is a good time for less intense workouts. This could look like walking, light jogging, yoga, swimming, or gentle stretching. There is a caveat to this though. Some people require higher-intensity movement to help with their overall mood. So play around with what works best for your overall wellness.

Mental health considerations

The menstrual phase (especially the first day or two) can be a time of heightened sensitivity and stress.

To take care of your mental wellness, consider engaging in practices that allow you to check in with yourself and reduce feelings of anxiety. This could include journaling, ample alone time, deep breathing exercises, and meditation.

Follicular Phase Cycle Syncing

Your hormones

Your follicular phase brings along rising estrogen levels. But your progesterone still remains low.


During this time, you’ll want to focus on consuming estrogen-balancing foods. This will help maximize your energy levels.

Here are some great follicular phase foods to try out:

  • Leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables such as kale, broccoli, spinach, and cauliflower
  • Anti-inflammatory foods such as berries, nuts, and ginger
  • Foods or drinks containing probiotics
  • Whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat pasta, or quinoa
  • Lean protein from eggs, poultry, fish, tofu, or chickpeas


Due to your higher energy levels, follicular phase workouts can be more intense. Think high-intensity interval training, heavier lifting, or more intense runs. In general, this is a great time to up the notch on your favorite forms of movement.

But a word of caution! If you’re trying to conceive, try not to overdo it. More than 60 minutes of intense exercise has been shown to increase your risk of anovulation.

Mental health considerations

Your follicular phase mood will be generally stable and positive. You can think of it almost like the arrival of spring after hiding indoors during winter. Take advantage of this by planning to have more social interactions, going on new adventures, or beginning new projects.

Ovulatory Phase Cycle Syncing

Your hormones

During ovulation, both your estrogen and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels are rather high. Meanwhile, your progesterone levels are still low (but not for much longer).


The same foods suggested for your follicular phase (see above) are also good options for your ovulatory phase. The only difference is if you experience any uncomfortable ovulation symptoms like bloating, be careful to avoid foods that you know make you feel extra bloated.


Just like in the follicular phase, your ovulatory phase is a great time for more intense movement and exercise. Some research shows that women are able to achieve their personal bests in athletics around ovulation.

So this could be a great time to participate in sports competitions or that half marathon you’ve been thinking about signing up for. And the day or so right before ovulation is the perfect time to be intimate with your partner (especially if you’re trying to conceive).

Mental health considerations

Around ovulation, you are likely to feel like you’re at your best. You may feel more attractive and naturally pleased with your life. This is a great time for getting out of the house, hanging out with friends, and taking on new projects at work.

Luteal Phase Cycle Syncing

Your hormones

Your luteal phase is marked by increased progesterone levels (since progesterone rises after you ovulate). On the flip side, your estrogen levels begin decreasing.


Wondering what to eat during the luteal phase? Focus on consuming progesterone-balancing foods. This will help maximize your energy levels.

Here are great luteal phase foods to eat:

  • Serotonin-boosting foods like kiwi, pineapple, tofu, and leafy greens
  • Foods rich in vitamin B6 like salmon, tuna, beef, turkey, eggs, sweet potato, and carrots
  • Magnesium-rich foods like dark chocolate, cashews, avocado, banana, and black beans
  • High-quality protein (fish, eggs, beans) and whole grains (oats, rye, whole wheat)

Know more: Best Foods to Eat During the Luteal Phase


Since your energy levels are decreasing in the luteal phase, this is a time in your cycle when you may want to back off of the intense exercise. Opt for lighter movements like stretching, yoga, walking, or swimming. (Unless of course you need that high intensity to help with your mood.)

Mental health considerations

Your luteal phase mood can be a trying time on your mental health with instances of emotional lows. If you experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), your mood swings can be even more severe.

Set aside time to check in with your emotions by journaling, talking to a close friend, and practicing mindfulness. Feeling like your emotions and luteal phase symptoms are really taking over? Talk to a licensed mental health practitioner for more guidance.

Now you’ve got an idea of what cycle syncing looks like in practice. But is it something you should give a try? Let’s delve into this a bit more next.

Is Cycle Syncing Right for Me?

Keep in mind that cycle syncing is only one aspect of your overall approach to wellness. Everyone has their own unique menstrual cycle patterns, energy levels, and mood changes. So if you’re sitting there thinking, this feels totally unrealistic for me, don’t sweat it.

But also realize cycle syncing doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing thing. For example, maybe you try experimenting with changing up your nutrition, but you keep your exercise routine the same.

That said, cycle syncing may be especially beneficial if you have:

  • Cycle-related symptoms
  • Hormonal imbalances like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or thyroid disease
  • Weight challenges that affect your hormonal balance and ovulation
  • Heightened levels of stress
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Been struggling to conceive despite many attempts

The bottom line is that there’s no singular “right” way to approach cycle syncing. Instead, think of it as a way to simply be more in tune with your body’s natural rhythms. Only you can determine what supports your health the best!

How Can I Start Cycle Syncing?

If you’ve decided to give cycle syncing a try, we suggest starting here:

1. Take note of which stage of your cycle you’re on.

At the minimum, you’ll want to keep track of when your menstrual cycle starts. But a more comprehensive monitor like Inito’s can also help you predict ovulation ans also confirm when you ovulate. This will help you know for sure when you’re in your follicular phase versus your luteal phase.

2. Mark down the symptoms you experience throughout your cycle.

If you’re a digital girlie, consider using a tracking app. For instance, the Inito app lets you track over 20 symptoms, including your mood. If you prefer pen and paper, simply jot your symptoms down in a notebook or journal.

Here are some suggested symptoms to track:

  • Changes in mood
  • Energy levels
  • Cravings
  • Your ability to focus
  • Changes in skin or breast sensitivity
  • Frequency of urination and bowel movements
  • Your sleep quality

When you do decide to start, try not to overwhelm yourself with trying too many different things at once. But as you get into the swing of tracking, you can expect to become more aware of patterns and changes.

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There is conflicting research on whether menstrual cycle synchrony exists among females. But one theory is that it has to do with long-term exposure to pheromones.

Here’s a glimpse at general mood and energy trends throughout your cycle:

  • Menstrual period: low energy and low mood
  • Follicular phase: increased energy and positive mood
  • Ovulation: optimal energy and positive mood
  • Luteal phase: low energy and mood swings

Your caloric needs actually tend to be at their highest during your luteal phase. And food cravings may appear in your late luteal phase. But your true caloric needs also depend on your lifestyle and activity levels.

Yes, this is common. Right after ovulation, the hormone progesterone begins rising. And one of the many effects of high progesterone levels that you may experience is fatigue.

Know more: Does Ovulation Make You Tired?

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