10 DPO Symptoms: What To Expect and When To Test

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    Dr. Shruthi Shridhar

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10 DPO Symptoms: What To Expect and When To Test
  • Written by


  • Verified by

    Dr. Shruthi Shridhar

    MSc. in Nutrition

    She has been practicing as a Consulting Homeopath and a Clinical Nutritionist for the past 10 years across the globe. With an experience of over 10 years in Medical Content Writing and over 2000 published articles

10 DPO and fretting over symptoms and pregnancy test results?

You’ve heard people say to wait until your missed period before testing for pregnancy. But of course, it’s one of those things that’s easier said than done.

In all reality though, only 10% of women who test at 10 DPO get a positive result. That’s because, for many women, it’s still too early to tell at this point. So if you’re getting antsy or you’ve already tested negative, don’t worry.

In this blog, we’ll explore symptoms that can help you tell if you’re pregnant or not. We’ll also discuss ways to get the most reliable home test results.


  • Implantation can happen anywhere from 6 – 12 DPO, although 8-10 DPO is more common.
  • Once the embryo successfully implants, you are pregnant and hCG levels begin rising. 
  • At 10 days past ovulation, you may confuse PMS symptoms and early pregnancy symptoms with each other. Some symptoms include fatigue, stomach issues, breast tenderness, moodiness, and bloating. 
  • You may experience implantation bleeding, which is light spotting for just a day or two. Most women won’t have any bleeding, though. 
  • Some women don’t notice any symptoms at 10 DPO yet. That is completely normal and nothing to be concerned about.
  • <span”>Using a symptom tracker, like the Inito app, can help alert you to out-of-the-ordinary symptoms. 
  • A pregnancy test may detect hCG at 10 DPO. But for most women, this is still too early because the hCG levels won’t be high enough yet.
  • The best thing to do at 10 DPO is to be patient and avoid stressing over pregnancy tests. 
  • For the most accurate pregnancy test results, wait until a day after your missed period. If you get a BFN (big fat negative on pregnancy result), wait another week before retesting.

What is 10 DPO?

10 DPO simply means you are 10 days past ovulation. It is a critical time during the two-week wait. At 10 DPO, you could already be pregnant or you may be just a day or two away.

What could be happening in my body at 10 DPO?

What happens at 10 DPO

Here’s what’s going on in your body around 10 DPO:

  • The Embryo Implants

Between 6 DPO to 12 DPO, the fertilized egg is busy implanting into your uterine lining. Once it’s nestled in and connected to your circulation, you are considered pregnant!

Expert tip: The most common days for implantation are 8 DPO – 10 DPO.


When does implantation occur

  • hCG Begins Increasing

After successful implantation, your body begins producing higher and higher amounts of human chorionic gonadotropin, hCG. This is also known as the pregnancy hormone because it’s the main hormone used to detect early pregnancy. Levels of hCG will nearly double every two days or so. 

But be advised! According to a study, the median level of hCG in women at 10 DPO is only 12.23 mIU/mL. Yet, most home pregnancy tests (HPTs) can only detect hCG at levels around 25 mIU/mL. So at 10 DPO, you could be pregnant but not get a positive test yet.

  • Increasing Levels of Progesterone

During this time, your progesterone levels are also rising. Progesterone first increases right after ovulation. But if you conceive, they’ll increase even more to help you maintain a healthy pregnancy. 

Because of these increased hormones, you may begin to feel pregnancy symptoms. Not all women will have or notice these early signs. But for the ones who do, it will feel similar to premenstrual symptoms.

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Common symptoms at 10 DPO

When you’re in your TWW, it’s normal to overthink every symptom you notice. You’re probably driving yourself nuts wondering: What should I be feeling at 10 DPO?

So let’s break down the typical symptoms of 10 DPO. In the chart below, you’ll see the common 10 DPO symptoms, their causes, and their reliability.

I’m experiencing..
Is it from Pregnancy or PMS?
Is this symptom reliable?
Implantation bleeding (spotting or light bleeding) The embryo is connected to the maternal circulation. This causes some blood vessels to burst Pregnancy 75-85% of women don’t experience implant bleeding. But for those who do, it is a reliable sign of pregnancy.
Fatigue Progesterone levels are increasing Either If you feel much more tired than usual, it could indicate pregnancy.
Cramps/Tummy Discomfort Implantation is causing cramping or because of increased amounts of progesterone Either Implantation cramping is usually around 8-10 DPO. It’s a dull aching pain (not as intense as period cramps) and will only last 1 – 2 days.
Mood swings hCG and progesterone levels are rising Either If it’s more pronounced than normal, you could be pregnant.
Breast tenderness Higher levels of progesterone cause increased blood flow to the breast area Either If it’s more pronounced than normal, you could be pregnant.
Increased urination Higher progesterone can cause frequent bladder contractions Either If it’s more pronounced than normal, you could be pregnant.
Bloating and constipation When progesterone rises, digestion slows Either This symptom is not a reliable pregnancy marker on its own.
Backache Rising progesterone causes your ligaments to become lax Either This symptom is not a reliable pregnancy marker on its own.
Vaginal discharge Changes to your vaginal wall or decreasing estrogen levels Either Reliability varies from woman to woman.

Common 10 DPO symptoms you might experience

Here’s a closer look at what you can expect for each of these symptoms at 10 days past ovulation:

Implantation bleeding

This looks like spotting or light pinkish/brownish bleeding. Implantation bleeding will only last a day or two and occurs a few days before your period arrives.


Low energy or lethargy are possible 10 DPO symptoms. Keep track of how you usually feel during your luteal phase, which is from the day after ovulation to the day before your period. Keeping a log can help you tell if your fatigue is more intense than usual.


You may feel dull, achy cramps similar to how you may during your period. General abdominal discomfort or an unsettled stomach are also common.


Increased irritability and mood swings are common around this time. This is caused by changes in your progesterone and hCG levels.

Tender breasts

Increased progesterone leads to more blood flow to your breasts. All that extra blood can cause you to experience breast fullness or tenderness.

Increased urination

Frequent trips to the bathroom are common at 10 DPO. You can thank increased bladder contractions and progesterone for this fun symptom.

Bloating and constipation

You may have an increased feeling of gassiness or not being able to poop. Again, this is brought to you by increased progesterone. Higher levels of this hormone slow down digestion.

Achy back

Lower back pain may kick in due to your ligaments being more relaxed from changes in your progesterone levels.

Change in vaginal discharge

You may notice one of two changes. First, 10 DPO cervical mucus could be a thicker, almost sticky discharge caused by decreasing estrogen. Or you could have more discharge than usual that is whitish in color because of your changes in the vaginal wall.

Keep in mind that some women may experience more obvious symptoms. But it’s also normal to not notice any changes during this time. For some women, the changes could be so subtle that you mistake them for signs of your next period.

The best way to be more aware of any changes is to track your symptoms throughout your menstrual cycle. You can do this in a journal or in a fertility app (like the Inito app, download here).

The Inito app integrates with the Inito fertility monitor and allows you to track over 20 symptoms. This data will help you predict and confirm ovulation. It can also help you track symptoms after ovulation so you can notice anything out of the ordinary.

But what should you do if you have no symptoms to track? That’s totally fine. Read more on why in the next section.

What does it mean if i have no symptoms at 10 DPO?

Remember, every woman experiences symptoms differently. This ranges from many symptoms to none at all. Also, if you’re not in the habit of tracking your symptoms each cycle, it could be more difficult to notice anything out of the ordinary.

If it makes you feel any better, read on for some surprising statistics about early pregnancy symptoms. In a study following over 200 women, here’s how many noticed early signs: 

  • By 20 DPO, only 50% of the women who had a live birth experienced symptoms. 
  • By week 6 of pregnancy, 71% experienced symptoms. 
  • By week 8 of pregnancy, all but 11% had symptoms. 

Moral of the story? Don’t feel down if you don’t have any symptoms by 10 DPO. You can have a healthy pregnancy and still feel nothing even by the 8th week of pregnancy. So try your best to remain patient and begin testing when you’ve missed your period.

Let’s say you do have a few symptoms, though. Is 10 DPO too early to test hCG? Read below to find out.

Can you test positive at 10 DPO?

During 10 DPO, there is a low chance of testing positive for pregnancy Testing for pregnancy around this time can be a bit stressful. Waiting to see those two lines or a smiley face can feel like a lifetime. And yes, there is a chance you could test positive at this stage. But in most cases, you will need to wait a little longer for accurate results. So here’s a helpful action plan for pregnancy testing based on your test results at 10 DPO.
Your 10 DPO test is…
This means…
Action plan
Positive Implantation was successful and you’re pregnant! Likely, you used a more sensitive test and it detected hCG at levels likely greater than 20 mIU/mL. Even a faint line still means you’re pregnant. Wait until your missed period to test again. This will allow you to see your 10 DPO pregnancy test progression. These later results will be more reliable since hCG will have had more time to increase.
Negative Pregnancy is still possible, but it’s just too early to tell for sure. hCG may not be at a detectable amount. Or maybe implantation didn’t take place yet. Wait until 1 – 7 days after your missed period. This window usually begins around 12 – 14 DPO and will  give you more accurate results.
As you can see in the table, it is possible to get a positive result at 10 DPO. So if that’s the case for you, congrats! Even if it’s just a faint line at 10 DPO, you are pregnant! A positive pregnancy test at this stage means that implantation has already happened. And now your hCG levels are on the rise–high enough for your home pregnancy test to detect. To play it safe and confirm, wait a few more days to a week and then retest. You should notice the test line becomes even darker at that point. Not the case for you? Perhaps you’re feverishly wondering: What if I don’t test positive at 10 DPO? Can I be 10 days pregnant and test negative? Let’s explore this scenario next.

Can i test negative at 10 DPO and still be pregnant?

Not seeing that second line or smiley face yet? No need to feel discouraged at all! Here’s what may be going on. First, it’s possible that the embryo hasn’t finished implanting into your uterus. Remember, implantation can happen up until 12 DPO Secondly, it’s possible that implantation was successful but your hCG levels aren’t high enough for detection yet. Though levels begin to double about every 48 hours, in the very beginning, hCG production is still a trace amount.  And keep in mind, some pregnancy tests can detect lower levels of this hormone than others. It all depends on the sensitivity of the test you’re using. Read more: hCG Doubling in Pregnancy
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Many early pregnancy symptoms resemble symptoms of PMS. Pregnant or not, your body produces more progesterone after you ovulate. And increased progesterone can cause a host of symptoms. So some of these symptoms aren’t the most reliable in deciphering early pregnancy symptoms from normal period symptoms.  But a good way to notice any differences that could indicate pregnancy is to do a daily symptom log each cycle.
Not at all. At 10 days past ovulation, you could experience common early pregnancy symptoms. If you’re pregnant at 10 DPO, the pregnancy hormone hCG is on the rise. And progesterone is also increasing. Increased amounts of these two hormones can cause you to feel differently. Just be mindful that many early pregnancy symptoms are similar to premenstrual symptoms.
Yes, you can! If the embryo implanted on the earlier side (6 – 8 DPO), your hCG levels will have started doubling. This means there could be enough for a pregnancy test to detect.
Yes, this is totally normal. Implantation can occur up until 12 DPO. So it’s possible the fertilized egg hasn’t implanted. And if it did, your hCG levels may not be high enough to detect on pregnancy tests yet.
As a rule of thumb, the longer you wait, the more reliable the results will be. So if you’ve already tested at 10 DPO, postpone further testing until at least the day after your expected period.

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